Union Avenue United Methodist Church
http://www.flickr.com/photos/carlfoxiv/sets/72157624783227476/ - a set on Flickr
***photos taken by Carl Fox, Memphis,TN
http://www.flickr.com/photos/carlfoxiv/sets/72157624783227476/ - a set on Flickr
***photos taken by Carl Fox, Memphis,TN
***I took the photos in the following set, fall 2009 http://www.flickr.com/photos/53254535@N07/sets/72157625573508220/
Please take time to view and enjoy them. Next Thursday, December 16th, a court will decide the fate of this historical landmark that anchors the landscape of my neighborhood in Midtown Memphis,TN. The legacy of The Union Avenue United Methodist Church will be put to death if CVS is allowed to purchase and demolish this building. Local organizations have expressed serious interests. I hope they will be given the opportunity to purchase it and the honor of restoring it to a place of worship for the Midtown community.
***These photos were taken by TN Representative Steve Cohen, when he was 12 yrs. old. It was the only day in which Kennedy and Nixon were campaigning in the same city.

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