*I believe who we are is a culmination of our life experiences.
*I believe everything happens for a reason, although I may not understand at the moment, and I may not like going through it.
*I believe in and love the uniqueness of my city, Memphis, TN!
*You will never find me in a t-shirt that claims, "I (heart) Jesus!" but I'm of the Christian faith. That is the foundation of what shapes my view of the world and my place in the world.
*I respect and love my friends who do not share my same beliefs.
*God wants us to struggle to figure out what we believe about Him.
*God created us all in His image and therefore, "red and yellow, black and white, we are precious in His sight."
*Contrary to popular belief, it's not a "self-help" or a "rule" book - it's an unfolding (true) story and should be read that way.
*When I read the Old Testament, I have a better understanding the New Testament, and vice-versa.
*There is a beautiful creation story, a tragic betrayal, and a promise of redemption.
*Understanding my culpability in the whole deal has taught me to "get the board out of my own eye".
*His design was perfect, He keeps His promises, He will make all things new.
*That when Jesus said to "love your neighbor as yourself" He wasn't kidding or just making a suggestion.
*I don't do a great job at that.
*I need a spiritual compass
*Grace is not achieved, it is given...He is the Gift and the Giver
*He is the only way to go. Otherwise it's spiritual roulette, right? Any mini miny mo, it's only my soul, which way do I go?
*I'm aware that I have flaws, but know that I'm a work in progress.
*There are those that claim to be of the same faith who embarrass us all and give us a bad rap...I call them "the crazies".
*It infuriates me when people use particular pieces of scripture to twist it's meaning in order to justify themselves for hating and hurting others
*We need to be make more effort at repenting than blaming
*Good, healthy relationships are not easy, will come with pain, will be work, and will be worth it
*A few key ingredients in any relationship is humility, forgiveness, commitment, and an fierce willfulness to protect it
*My home is a soft place to land
*My husband makes me laugh and think more than anyone I know
*My husband knows that I respect and love him and that I'm his biggest fan and cheerleader
*My opinion matters most to my husband and the way he treats me gives me security...oh, and he thinks I'm the bomb
*Marriage shows me just how selfish I am
*We can both be jerks...we feel safe when we disagree...we apologize a lot
*Being a parent is amazingly awesome and amazingly difficult
*I need to work on being patient and controlling my anger
*Those I love the most, I hurt the most and vice-versa
*Life should be lived with a mirror: when I'm aware of my own sinfulness, I have more mercy on others
*I don't like the word "sin" but it is what it is...I guess I'm not supposed to like it
*I understand the universal concept that we are all sinners, I just do not like that I do, in fact, sin
*I repent often and could repent more often
*I'm forgiven
*I'll be made right again
*I'm going to enjoy that big surprise party:)
*I believe everything happens for a reason, although I may not understand at the moment, and I may not like going through it.
*I believe in and love the uniqueness of my city, Memphis, TN!
*You will never find me in a t-shirt that claims, "I (heart) Jesus!" but I'm of the Christian faith. That is the foundation of what shapes my view of the world and my place in the world.
*I respect and love my friends who do not share my same beliefs.
*God wants us to struggle to figure out what we believe about Him.
*God created us all in His image and therefore, "red and yellow, black and white, we are precious in His sight."
*The Bible is be God's instrument of revealing Himself.
*It's worth reading.*Contrary to popular belief, it's not a "self-help" or a "rule" book - it's an unfolding (true) story and should be read that way.
*When I read the Old Testament, I have a better understanding the New Testament, and vice-versa.
*There is a beautiful creation story, a tragic betrayal, and a promise of redemption.
*Understanding my culpability in the whole deal has taught me to "get the board out of my own eye".
*His design was perfect, He keeps His promises, He will make all things new.
*That when Jesus said to "love your neighbor as yourself" He wasn't kidding or just making a suggestion.
*I don't do a great job at that.
*I need a spiritual compass
*Grace is not achieved, it is given...He is the Gift and the Giver
*He is the only way to go. Otherwise it's spiritual roulette, right? Any mini miny mo, it's only my soul, which way do I go?
*I'm aware that I have flaws, but know that I'm a work in progress.
*There are those that claim to be of the same faith who embarrass us all and give us a bad rap...I call them "the crazies".
*It infuriates me when people use particular pieces of scripture to twist it's meaning in order to justify themselves for hating and hurting others
*We need to be make more effort at repenting than blaming
*Good, healthy relationships are not easy, will come with pain, will be work, and will be worth it
*A few key ingredients in any relationship is humility, forgiveness, commitment, and an fierce willfulness to protect it
*My home is a soft place to land
*My husband makes me laugh and think more than anyone I know
*My husband knows that I respect and love him and that I'm his biggest fan and cheerleader
*My opinion matters most to my husband and the way he treats me gives me security...oh, and he thinks I'm the bomb
*Marriage shows me just how selfish I am
*We can both be jerks...we feel safe when we disagree...we apologize a lot
*Being a parent is amazingly awesome and amazingly difficult
*I need to work on being patient and controlling my anger
*Those I love the most, I hurt the most and vice-versa
*Life should be lived with a mirror: when I'm aware of my own sinfulness, I have more mercy on others
*I don't like the word "sin" but it is what it is...I guess I'm not supposed to like it
*I understand the universal concept that we are all sinners, I just do not like that I do, in fact, sin
*I repent often and could repent more often
*I'm forgiven
*I'll be made right again
*I'm going to enjoy that big surprise party:)